Yes, very possibly. The behavior code for "binding" multiple text boxes
together is there and generic enough that you can have n number of boxes and
it will navigate between them with full delete, arrows, home & end keys.

So for example you could do:
Social security numbers: ###-##-###.
Dates: ##/##/####
Credit Card Numbers: #### #### #### ####
Decimals: ##.##

$('#creditCard').maskInput('#### #### #### ####');
<input id="creditCard"/>

I think validation should be separate. The component will "mask" it and
filter for numeric input, etc. Also I think this component should update a
hidden formfield/textfield with it's data that will be checked before

The more I've been thinking about the copy & past issue. I think Pasting is
the greater issue of the two. Is there a way to detect if a "past" event has
occurred? Meaning if the user selects "Edit -> Paste" or right clicks and
selects paste?

I'd have no problem merging this into the form plugin if it's deemed a good


On 12/20/06, Matt Stith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Wow theres alot of potential in this plugin. Any plans to go farther than
just phone numbers (Custom masks, etc)?

On 12/20/06, Jonathan Sharp < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have a Proof of Concept for a masked phone number input. Tested in FF
> & IE. It utilizes four seperate input fields but still allows for using the
> arrow keys, home, end and backspace across all of them. Current limitations
> are copy & pasting. Thoughts/feedback welcome!
> (It isn't linked from elsewhere on the site as I haven't "released it to
> the world" yet)
> Cheers,
> -Jonathan
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