Now that's interesting. I was using the IE Tab FF extension, and that seems
to make a difference.


On 12/21/06, Jonathan Sharp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 12/20/06, Blair McKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Very nice! I could probably use this as well. Some things:
>    - In IE I was able to put more than three characters in the first
>    part
>    - In IE I was able to put in letters
>    - It would be great if you could add keyboard arrow support, i.e.
>    to navigate between parts
> Hm... what version of IE are you using? It should automatically navigate
between fields and treat it as one input. I implemented navigation via arrow
keys (assuming you fully filled out that field) as well as Home & End key
support. I've been testing with IE 6.0.29/sp2.


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