I'm not actually able to reproduce the flicker on Firefox 2 on mac or
Firefox 1.5 on pc with either link. However, I do believe it is
possible to have a flicker if the system is bogged down and here is

Previous to 1.0.4 there were problems with nested and dynamically
loaded html into slideDown or slideUp areas. This is because the fx
module was sloppy and would leave behind inline styles like height.
This would result in incorrect sizes if the html/content inside the
slideDown/slideUp area was changed. So the solution and the proper way
to handle this is to remove inline styles when possible (when a 'hide'
or 'show' animation has completed).

What you are seeing is that during a 'show' operation, the element is
set to display: block, caches the original height and then resets the
height to 0 to being the animation to its original height.

I will be looking into a solution to see if we can prevent the flicker
while also allowing for variable heights and allowing the fx module to
properly clean up after itself.

Brandon Aaron

On 1/4/07, Mika Tuupola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Upon upgrading to jQuery 1.0.4 some of my slideUp/Down elements
> started to flicker. With 1.0.3 this problem did not exist.
> http://www.appelsiini.net/~tuupola/jquery/slideupdown/slideupdown5.html
> http://www.appelsiini.net/~tuupola/jquery/slideupdown/slideupdown6.html
> (Click the blue box in the corner).
> Am I missing something obvious or is this just css problem?
> --
> Mika Tuupola
> http://www.appelsiini.net/~tuupola/
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