Olaf Bosch schreef:
> David Duymelinck schrieb:
>>> What about this?
>> With the #text a links your own links don't show the favicon in FF2 and IE7
> :) it's a feature, no Favicon with *intern* links, this Script is for 
> external Links
> The last 2 Links are to my domain, for testing,
> href="www.my.de" and href="../"
> and this all automatic.
> Thank you for your Feedback.
Ok i will stop posting at the end of the day :) anyway nice plugin in, i 
like it better then showing an icon that users can interpret differently 
but what happens if a site doesn"t have a favicon? If i look at your 
code nothing will happen. maybe you could add  an option to display a 
default icon.  I don't know how you could check if an emoticon exists or 
I think it should check the title attribute so it's not nessesary to add 
a title through javascript.

My shot at the plugin :

jQuery.fn.favicon = function (settings) {
   settings = jQuery.extend({
     place: "right"
  }, settings);
        return this.each(function() {
     var hoststring = /^http:/;
     var hrefvalue = this.getAttribute("href");
     if (hrefvalue.search(hoststring) != -1) {
       var domain = this.hostname;
       if (domain != document.location.hostname) {
         if(jQuery(this).attr("title") == ""){
                jQuery(this).attr({ title: ""+titletxt+" "+hrefvalue+"" })
        var cuesrc = "http://"+domain+"/favicon.ico";;
           background: "transparent url("+cuesrc+") no-repeat 
"+settings.place+" center",
           "padding-right": "19px",
           "white-space": "nowrap"});

David Duymelinck

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