� wrote:
> Kristinn Sigmundsson schrieb:
>> Found an article on  http://alistapart.com/articles/fontresizing
>> alistapart.com  about a better (I think) way for solving textresize matters,
>> but didn't have the time to read through it. Maybe someone here has some
>> experience in this?
> I think this plugin does what you are looking for: 
> http://davecardwell.co.uk/geekery/javascript/jquery/jqem/

It might be worth re-visiting Shaun's article...
The crux of Shaun Inman's clearing script is that it changes the CSS 
rule for the longest column in an absolutely positioned layout to 
'position: relative;'. He does this simply by comparing the heights of 
his main columns and setting the css rule 'position: relative;' (as 
opposed to default absolute) on the longest one by switching its 
class-name. This brings it back into normal document flow so the footer 
that has no positioning defined (absolute or relative) will be pushed 
down in the normal way.

You would be much better off keeping this approach intact instead of 
messing around with ems and trying to actually position the footer with 
javascript directly. You'll be tearing your hair out getting that to 
work cross-browser.

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