Brian Miller schrieb:
> You know...  The folks over at Mootools refer to theirs as "Mootorials". 

These guys develop excellent JavaScript, yet their naming is ... odd.
> Maybe we should call them "jQ-torials"?  :)
IMHO: no. ;-)
> - Brian

In my opinion, the folks at moooootools (and scriptac-something) do a 
very good job coding ... but a very bad job at explaining and describing 
their stuff. And those user's like me, that don't know to much about the 
substance, (sadly enough, I know) are left alone with bad how-to's, mean 
user-lists, etc.

That's one of the reasons I chose jQuery to stuck with. Everything is 
better here!

I'm really to unexperienced  to make a sole technical decision on which 
library s better or worse. I was convinced by the friendly user base and 
the good docu.

Brandon, go on helping people like me learn the magic.

-- Marc

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