Just curious...how are you guys finding out these sites use jQuery? Standard
check the source or what?


Behalf Of Sam Sherlock
Sent: Friday, February 09, 2007 1:32 AM
To: jQuery Discussion.
Subject: Re: [jQuery] jQuery Powered Sites - Keep the Links Coming

stumbled across another site using jquery which I did not see in the list
(and its a biggie)


did not see it in the list. 

or maybe I am just tired

- S

On 31/01/07, Joel Birch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

Hi Rey,

If you are still adding to that list, here is another I forgot to add:


Using jQuery for:
- Thickbox plugin
- Corners plugin
- Suckerfish-style drop-downs enhancing foundation of CSS drop-downs
with fade animation. Also to merely enable drop-downs for IE<6.
- A myriad of annoying bug fixes for IE<6. For example, 3px text jog 
etc. IE does not rely on these fixes for the site to wor, but having
jQuery loaded anyway made it a cinch to fix them.
- Ajax reload of the "Blush Facts" side feature once per minute or
so, with animation to show that something is changing. 

I have plenty more jQuery-powered sites in the works and will send
them in when they are ready if you are still looking for more. Thanks
Rey. Keep up the great work!

Joel Birch.

On 11/01/2007, at 7:56 AM, Rey Bango wrote: 

> Please keep sending links as we want to have a nice list of
> jQuery-powered sites for the jQuery web site.

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