Jake McGraw wrote:
> Unable to debug, but I was having another problem with IE6 and jqModal 
> with a much more complex document that pointed to hash[...].w as the 
> culprit.

Jake, I have tracked this bug down and it is a DOOZY! The fix is 
trivial... but is yet another testament to the bandwidth monster, 
Internet Explorer. I'd be interested to see a statistic on the 
percentage of web-bandwidth wasted on IE workarounds...

Anyhow, it appears that if an element loaded via an AJAX request is used 
as a jqModal 'trigger', it will throw an error in the "hide/show" 
function hs. What happens is that a for loop (which loops through an 
array attached to the trigger element named either "jqmShow" or 
"jqmHide") returns "indexOf" as its value instead of the numeric serial.

Replace the hide/show/assign function @ line 67 [bottom] of jqModal.js 
with this;

var hs=function(w,e,y){var s=[];w.each(function(){s.push(this._jqm)});
$(this).click(function() {
 for(i in {jqmShow:1,jqmHide:1})for(s in this[i]){if(s == 
'indexOf')continue;hash[this[i][s]].w[i](this)};return false;});}});};

(( I have not public SVN, and can't send a patch as there's no 
attachments && I'm worried that column wrapping may mangle it if I 
include in email body ))

Also, I swear I can make sense of what's happening above :)

~ Brice

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