
It would be nice if it also supported Internationalization
of the Previous/Next strings etc.

Perhaps, it already does? I'll have to check the source.

Cheers, Tobbe

Klaus Hartl wrote:
> Hi jQuerians,
> I just committed what I would call Thickbox Reloaded alpha version. It 
> may look the same pretty much, but is a complete rewrite.
> Here's what's new:
> * Chainable method to bind Thickbox to links and forms (makes it easy 
> for content that gets loaded/created later on).
> * Totally unobtrusive: no classes needed for links, no params in URL.
> * Confirm type Thickbox, triggered automatically by binding Thickbox to 
> a form. If "yes" the form gets submitted unless a custom callback is 
> defined (for example for Ajax submitting)
> * Automatic type detection depending on type of element, respectively on 
> type of link:
>      image: href is an image
>      content: href is a hash
>      ajax: href is internal and not image
>      iframe: href is external and not image
>      confirm: element is form
> * Improved UI blocking (Thanks to Mike "Malsup" and the BlockUI plugin)
> * Options for width/height are now passed in as settings object literal 
> or are stored as default values via $.thickbox.defaults({ width: 300, 
> height: 400 })
> * Options top/left positioning (instead of centering), unit defaults to 'px'
> * Easier skinning: The look is completely separated into an extra style 
> sheet
> * Scrolling via mousewheel/touchpad is blocked
> * Lets you define custom animations for showing the modal window via 
> settings
> * Requires jQuery 1.1.1
> Maybe I have forgotten something.
> I thought of including the required style sheets dynamically, but you 
> would still have to include the path somehow.
> You can also have a look here (besides repository):
> http://stilbuero.de/jquery/thickbox_reloaded/
> Please note that I haven't tested in other browsers than Firefox yet. I 
> just thought I'd like to request some feedback/code review first!
> -- Klaus

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