Rick Faircloth schrieb:
> Hi, Jorn and thanks for the reply...
> You can see what I'm trying to do by going to
> http://bodaford.whitestonemedia.com/html/featured_property_details.cfm?Prope
> rty_ID=1
> Scroll down and click on the "Click here to calculate mortgage payment" and
> the
> form fields and button should slide into view.
As I said, an example does can do wonders.

First, you still have alpha 2 on that page.

Second, and more important, your form selector doesn't select anything. 
Just try it by feeding this to the Firebug console on your page: 

Your form has a name, but no ID.

The fact that it worked at some point could have been caused by a bug in 
jQuery core itself, which was fixed recently.

Jörn Zaefferer


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