On 09/03/2007, at 8:50 PM, Brice Burgess wrote:
> Perhaps I'm way off in protecting the expando ... and I too would like
> to hear some feedback ;)
> ~ Brice

I've got to admit that I'm not overly familiar with the techniques  
you are discussing. From what I can tell you are creating an array to  
hold the various setTimeout references. I was under the impression  
that my original code would work with multiple menus because the  
setTimeouts were being attached to the individual li elements as  
'expandos' (did I use that term right?). It seems like you are saying  
that they need to be saved as 'primitives' (integers?) in order to  
avoid memory leaks, yes? If so, that sounds like a good idea and once  
I understand the technique properly I will alter the plugin to suit.  
Your code looks like it should work though, as is.

The current code should work for multiple menus though, ie. # 
(".nav").superfish(); albeit with the possibility of memory leaks if  
I understand you correctly.

Thanks for the feedback Brice.


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