Alex Cook schrieb:
> Behalf Of Yansky
> Subject: [jQuery] Retrieve content from element using AJAX?
> Is it possible to retrieve specific content from another page, rather
> than
> the whole page when using AJAX?
> -----
> Short answer is no, there is no such functionality.  You can however
> fudge a few things to make it appear that you are only loading a
> fragment.  I had to do something like this recently, so if anyone has a
> better way to do this let me know.
> Go look at the code and you'll see what I did was pretty basic.  I just
> loaded the page (in this example the .load() function entry from the API
> docs) into a hidden div, created a reference to that div, and then
> pulled out the information I wanted and spit it out via console.log().
> You could easily grab the fragment you wanted from the loaded page and
> pipe it into your display area as desired using the same technique.
> Again, if there's a better way, please let me know as this seemed a
> little cumbersome to me but I was unable to figure out a different
> method.

Depends on what you're using in the backend. if you're using Rails you 
can easily return whats needed depending on the kind of request:

if request.xml_http_request?
   render :layout => false

The same is of course possible with any other backend language. One or 
the other framework for PHP has that already build-in, otherwise you can 
still do the following:

if ($_REQUEST['X-REQUESTED-WITH'] == 'XmlHttpRequest') {
     // It's an Aja request

(can't remember if thats the correct syntax for php)

-- Klaus

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