> Renato Formato schrieb:
> > I wrote a jQuery plugin to show treemaps
> > (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treemap) easily thanks to jQuery.
> > Link: http://www.jquery.info/spip.php?article40

The documentation is pretty light, so it's hard to understand exactly what the
table data structure needs to be and how to quickly implement a treemap. It
would be nice to have some examples like "given this table, this is the
result." My first attempt to use it has failed on this line in normalizeValues:


When feeding it a table like this:

   Name   Size(Number)   Value(Number)

My goal is to show distribution of stocks and their relative performance like a
financial Heat Map. The Size would be the size % of the total and Value would
be the MTD% performance. Is this not the correct table layout?

I would also suggest cleanly separating the Treemap logic from the jquery/html
implementation. This way if I wanted to use your core logic for something
entirely different and not jquery-ish or maybe using a different layout
structure, I could still do so.

Thanks for the plugin, I'm sure I will find uses for it in the near future!


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