Hi Philip!

> I've noticed that there seems to be a fair amount of dislike for IPS
> which leaves me puzzled. On paper IPS sounds great and I know that
> some serious thought, engineering and math went into the design of
> IPS.


> I also know that despite the claims of SVR4 packaging fans that
> SVR4 packages have their own limitations--especially when it comes
> to patching systems.

I don't think any SVR4 "fans" as you put it have ever claimed that SVR4
packages don't have any limitations.

> (Fortunately my own scars from my days of
> packaging software for Solaris faded long ago and only dim memories
> of those days remain. :-)

Well, if you know what you're doing it's actually fun. ;-)

> I'm particularly curious as I know one of the engineers who worked
> on IPS and he's one of the smartest people I've ever met.

There is no question that these people are very smart, and a lot of
effort went into IPS.

> Are the objections to IPS centered on its design or implementation,
> or both?

I would say both.  Also, the attitude towards criticism, at least
in the various mailing lists played an important role.

  You want a scripting hook similar to SVR4 CAS or the postinstall 
  script?  Too dangerous, denied.

  You don't like Python, or think it's too slow?  Python is Gods Own 
  Language (TM), nothing else will do.

  What, you want the object timestamps preserved after package installation?
  We don't need no stinking timestamps...

  A file format for packages?  Just set up a repo.

  Etc. etc.

Also, Sun made one big mistake providing SVR4 tools on IPS-based distros.
They should have focused more on decent pkg migration tools, especially
for the active content, instead of supporting the old format.  Then ISP
adoption would have been much faster.
I do admit that things have gotten better (performance is up, we now have
a file format, etc).  I use both SVR4 and IPS, and both have their
shortcomings and advantages.  IMHO there should be Illumos-based distros
with both flavors.

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt               Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH                   WWW: http://www.bb-c.de/
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