On 19/12/2012 2:40 AM, Garrett D'Amore wrote:
> ...
> The other thing that seriously pisses me off is the way IPS was sold to Sun 
> management.  It was a solution to the problems raised by patches.  Those 
> problems did not need a new packaging system to solve them.  The solution was 
> to stop delivering (or even remove support for!) partial packages (the 
> technical term for "patches" in SVR4 pkg parlance.)  I.e. a "technical" 
> solution was presented to solve what was really a "policy" problem.  (The 
> solution was to simply stop delivering/supporting patches.)  IMO, it was a 
> sleazy sales job, and the folks behind it ought to be ashamed.

I heard a different sales job and that was it was to make it easier for staff 
to create specific patches for a customer, for the customer to then download 
and install them. Think ZFS, snapshot, clone and then merge diffs with each 
tree being its own repo for a specific customer. Thus a support customer could 
have their own patch tree maintained at Oracle. I hate to think if that 
actually eventuated.

The failure of IPS on a social level (as a community effort) could be said to 
be reflective of the success of OpenSolaris in general.


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