I'm about to give my presentation on patterns in about 18 hours or
so. Having just finished my slides 18 hours ago you can say I'm knee
deep in thinking about patterns. A few musings coming out of the muck:

1. The person who brought up context & intention nailed it on the
head. Alexander is clear that a pattern languague is built from a n
"if-then" ststement where "if" defines the problem and then
defines the solution, but the solution also includes justifications
so that both context "if" and intention "then" are included in
the very definition of the pattern itself.

2. While today it is clear that Alexander uses his patterns for
political-social change, the original ideas behind patterns is to
catalog CANONICAL repeated observed problem/solution sets. I
highlight the word "canonical" b/c I believe this is the key
differentiation between patterns and guidelines. Guidelines or style
guides are single focus and their ubiquity or uniqueness is not
really relevant. It is the solution that works for the context of
those guidelines. Patterns need to work across much broader but still
well defined contexts to be useful.

3. There is a danger in using patterns as prescriptive and thus
designers who dislike prescription (as opposed to engineers who revel
in prescription) are turned off by many uses of patterns. However, if
the intentionality of the collection is for the purpose of not
suggestion or prescription, but rather for reflection and
exploration, the patterns hold value that designers can engage with
like they do with other elements of the design process (foundations,
personas, empathy models, etc.).

4. I think limiting patterns to a "language" doesn't do what
Jennifer Tidwell discusses in her book, which is the creation of
"best practices. This is something I'm not sure I agree w/ her on,
but I think her use of "best practices" works with where I have
landed (this week) with patterns as a design tool for reflection and

5. Patterns as a point of articulation are powerful for designers who
need to move beyond abstraction and into tangible communication in
order to convey the goals and reasons for the solutions they do
finally end up with.

Anyway, this is me. for now. We'll see what type of response I get
by 6:30p today.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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