> It surprises me immensely to find readers on THIS list missing the
> central point of my article. When I refer to "design engineers" I  
> am NOT
> referring to designers of human-facing form and behavior. Design
> engineers, as you two see, design code, not interaction.

Heh, it looks like I should have read all the recent messages before  
posting my last one. Thanks, Alan, for setting things straight. I was  
also surprised at this misreading.

I think part of the problem is that when you argue, essentially, that  
"engineers don't use design documentation", this seems so completely  
wrong that people are trying to figure out what you really mean.  
Engineers *do* make and use design documents -- many of us see them  
and use them all the time. My guess is that many people are jumping  
to the conclusion that you are talking about *interaction design  
documents* because that is a reading that makes more sense to them.  
Which of course is not what you wrote at all, but the alternative  
interpretation -- that engineers don't produce design documents of  
any kind -- is frankly just too preposterous to believe for many of us.

>  I am sorry now that we decided to publish this article in two parts.
> I'll see if I can get the second part posted to this list.

Completely agree! :-) This is one article that isn't helped by  
splitting it in two. I look forward to the rest.


Christopher Fahey
biz: http://www.behaviordesign.com
me: http://www.graphpaper.com

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