On Nov 6, 2007, at 2:09 PM, Matthew Nish-Lapidus wrote:

> That being said, paper is a valuable design tool and can be used to  
> great advantage.  But if what you need is a true interaction  
> prototype then you need an interactive medium.

That's an interesting concept. Using an interactive medium to  
prototype or simulate interactivity. I've taught a number of paper  
prototyping workshops, teaching another next year at the IxDA  
conference, and can assure you that you can create interactive paper  
prototypes. In fact, we have a great audio player that is interactive,  
albeit w/some assistance from a moderator. But the scrubber moves  
along when someone pushes the play button and we can even rewind and  
fast forward.

Ask anyone who's taken the workshop, or come and find out for  
yourself. Paper prototypes can be interactive, if you know what you're  
doing and know how.


Todd Zaki Warfel
President, Design Researcher
Messagefirst | Designing Information. Beautifully.
Contact Info
Voice:  (215) 825-7423
Blog:   http://toddwarfel.com
In theory, theory and practice are the same.
In practice, they are not.

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