On 25 Jan 2008, at 17:34, lukeisha carr wrote:

> "Just curious how some of you would differentiate an interaction
> designer from a user interface designer? Apologies if it's been
> discussed to death before."
> I think these kind of questions keep coming up again & again for some
> of the following reasons:
[good reasons snipped]
> Unfortunately, I'm not sure if these kind of questions will slow
> down, until the field is many years old and dedicated training will
> define what these positions do.  But the challenge will still be how
> to keep different companies from making a mis-mash of all the title.

The thing is I just don't care whether the roles are defined or not :-)

There's a whole bunch of knowledge, skills and practices that need to  
be applied to get a successful product from inception to release.

I care a great deal that there are people involved that have all of  
the necessary knowledge, skills and practices - and know how to apply  
them and work together well.

I care very, very little for picking a subset from the list and  
calling it interaction design, or usability, or information  
architecture, or accessibility, or software architecture, or domain  
design, or ...

Talking about knowledge, skills and practices. How to learn and apply  
them well. That helps me a huge amount. Talking about what a  
particular subset should be called and where a person with that  
subset sits in the org chart doesn't help me at all.

But maybe that's just me...


Adrian (possibly being unnecessarily grumpy :-)

*Come to IxDA Interaction08 | Savannah*
February 8-10, 2008 in Savannah, GA, USA
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