>>Job titles are very often totally meaningless.

Amen. Can we just let this turd of a thread die?

Titles are meaningless. Anyone who thinks they will be taken more seriously
because of a title, or a proper understanding and general consensus of the
definition of a title relative to other competing definitions is silly - or
delusional. Having a stronly typed definition of interaction designer versus
interface designer will not make you either, and you won't make anymore
money. The only thing that defines you is not some title, but your skills,
knowledge, expertise, and reputation. If you don't have these - no amount of
bellyaching about the relative fluidity of titles will get you respect. I
know many product design/product development teams that have come to realize
the complete waste of time worrying about titles and definitions are - that
they have adopted the old Bell Laboratory habit - everyone gets the same
title "Member of Technical Staff." We did that at Kayak - because you should
derive self-actualization from your work - not what's printed on your
business card.

On Jan 28, 2008 2:58 PM, Robert Hoekman, Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Isn't this just a Yam/Sweet Potato thing?
> There is *definitely* a difference between these two roles, but the fact
> is,
> it doesn't matter. The job titles are used so randomly in the real world
> that this White Tower hair-splitting simply won't make a difference.
> There are people all over the place called "user interface designers" that
> do visual design only, and ones who do some interaction design. There are
> interaction designers all over the place that do user interface design and
> don't do any of the more conceptual, product-definition stuff we normally
> associate as part of an IxD's job.
> And, of course, there are "web designers" who do all of this, because they
> are a team of one and have no one else around to take on other roles.
> Job titles are very often totally meaningless.
> -r-
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~ will

"Where you innovate, how you innovate,
and what you innovate are design problems"
will evans
user experience architect
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