Hi Martin,
I made this tranistion, and feel it is a very natural one to make. I
don't know how much advice I can offer, but I can describe the path
I took and you can see if there's anything worthwhile in that.

I started with a transition to business analyst from tech. pubs
manager, which occurred because I was drafted in to research and
write lots of specifications on a large web project my employer
undertook. I was already sick of writing good documentation for badly
designed software, and seeing the requirements process up close I
could finally start to see why the software came out of the process
in such poor shape.

One day, we got a complaint from a customer about 'poor usability'
so my boss sent me off to discover what this usability lark was all
about. I read, a lot, went to a N/N Group conference and wrote a
report on what I had learned. This got me a license to buy a portable
usability testing lab and hire in some consultants, who I worked with
closely. All of this was to little effect in that the poor software
just kept coming - my employer needed culture change more than user

I left and went freelance, doing tech writing and a little bit of
usability consulting. All of the noise I made in my last job got me a
reputation as someone who knew about usability, though I must admit I
was a very raw back then.

After about a year freelance, I got a job user testing and designing
assistive technologies at an organisation for blind people. I stayed
with that for a year and a half, and got my first experience of
design work as opposed to merely critiquing other people's efforts.
I then moved to my current job, were I have been a consultant on
interaction design and related matters for about four years.

Reading through this, I'd say that making good contacts and being a
self-directed learner were the keys to getting to where I wanted to
be. I did start a course in cognitive psychology (which I did not
complete) which provided useful background. I'm sure a course in IxD
would be a good start, but I've interviewed job applicants from some
of these courses and was not terribly impressed. In fact we are now
resolved to hire self-directed learners with clear passion for the
role, putting relevant experience and education second and third in

I'm not sure this was much help, Martin, best of luck.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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