I'll apologize for my part.
I think part of the issue of these discussions is that "practice"
is so unique. As an enterprise software guy for 10 years now, I got
this in spades. But on this list, we try to engage in discussions
that can be generalized outside of the individual organizational
experience and used across working environments. So it is hard to get
the full picture and thus reactions like these.

So again, I'm sorry for my part in any "Ogre" implications, but I
do have to say you do remind me of Shrek a little bit. Of course,
Dirk is no Donkey in any sense of the metaphor. ;)

I think I get what you are saying about finding passionate and
engaged people who want to hit the ground running. That part I
wouldn't ever want to get in the way of.

I think what hit a nerve w/ me was maybe your unfortunate choice of
words -- "cold water". I think "hit the road running" is more of
what you meant and in the context of this discussion has a lot more
merit and value. I think Juniors should always take this point of
view and anyone would be well rewarded to have access to someone like
you and Dirk to work with at such an early point in their careers.

To my point, I think find it amazing how few organizations though
want the "hit the ground running" approach, but would rather the
"cold deep water" approach. My colleague is doing a research paper
for DMI on the topic of young hires in the general design setting and
it is just amazing the results she is finding (go to the DMI
conference to learn more). What I have seen at Moto EMb Design I
haven't seen anywhere else. it is the most nurturing junior designer
environment I have seen. People really get mentored as they enter the
studio. They are also given LOTS of opportunity to hit the ground
running. But they do so with LOTS of support. For designers, we have
an amazingly low attrition rate.

I wish I could find a good way to emmulate this and achieve my other
goals of building the IxD group here on Long Island (my biggest
obstacle is big hair, strip malls, and 50 miles between the office
and NYC).

Again Andrei, sorry for my part in what turned a bit nasty.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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