I normally find sign-up forms incredibly irritating-- but Yahoo's is light
years beyond any others I've seen:

My concern about javascript-driven validation (either entirely on the client
side, or AJAXified) is that it will lead to laziness in developing
validation routines in the back-end process that your browser POSTs the data

*** naive developer:  "the form already validated itself-- I should be able
to trust its contents!"

*** paranoid devleper: "what if they have javascript turned off, and their
ZIP code happens to be 'DROP TABLE users'  ... ?"

On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 11:13 AM, Alexander Baxevanis <

> I would highlight the field that fails validation and I'd put the
> following message next to it:
> "This doesn't look like a [first name|last name|city]. Maybe you made
> a spelling mistake?"
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