Jared M. Spool:
>  I have to admit, I have no idea what we're actually talking about here. If
> you could elaborate why we're talking about this, that might help me.

>From my POV, strategy of timing and baseline testing.

The reason I objected to the characterization of Apple talking to
Verizon (and presumably others) as a 'bidding war' is that we don't
know why exactly Apple talked to Verizon. (Just as we don't quite know
why MSFT abandoned its pursuit of Yahoo. It may be yet another Ballmer
fumble that we've become accustomed to or a tactical move to depress
Yahoo's price for a later takeover. We don't know.)

But I can appreciate why Apple may have wanted to start conservatively
with the largest carrier in the U.S., and offer a GSM-only,
US-centric, one-carrier, 2G, etc., device. That's the baseline. As a
company that has never before played in the cell phone industry, it
needed market and consumer behavior data. Now it has that.

Multiple carriers -- at the start -- would have enormously complicated
that baseline understanding. Just as, for example, having dorky Java
or random Flash interfaces would have when Apple wanted to establish a
coherent, multi-touch gestural interface that neither offered.

"Bidding war" suggests that Apple had an iPhone that was both GSM
(AT&T) *and* non-GSM (Verizon), and that the company would forego such
highly appreciated UX features like visual voice mail or iTunes
activation, which carriers didn't offer and thus had to be built.

By way of relevance, baseline testing is often very difficult for
designers to pull off. They often 'test' for way too many
(interdependent) variables *simultaneously* to extract any useful
meaning: there's no baseline. As in, did Apple's multi-touch gestural
interface fail because Apple did an inadequate design job or because
the presence of Java and Flash corrupted the baseline understanding?

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