On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 3:31 PM, Harvinder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> We are a design and usability staffing company redesigning our website.
> While we have come closer to the layout for our website's home page we are
> having a debate on the colors to use on the home page.

Hi Harvinder,

Preferred colors is a tough question to answer - ask any two designers and
you'll probably get three different opinions.

What I'd suggest instead is that you work with your designers to strengthen
your brand. This includes fonts, colors, logo, layout choices. Make the
colors you select work for you. Imagine them on your business cards, your
letterhead, the polo shirts you wear to conferences, the sign outside on the
building, your company logo. Be consistent with your brand identity and
colors across all corporate communications, including your website, biz
cards, etc. When design-focused recruiters do this it makes me think that
they are professionally savvy enough to employ strong design talent.

Two Seattle-area design recruiters who I feel do a good job with their own
branding are FILTER (http://www.filtertalent.com/) and Big Fish (
http://www.gobigfish.com/jobList.aspx). Each of these agencies has a bit of
a twist to their brand. FILTER gives away a muchness of branded swag at
design events. Big Fish emails have fun ASCII art signatures (fish with

So try and think bigger than just your website. When your brand is right,
your website visual designers will have a much easier time. Hope this is
helpful, all the best,

Michael Micheletti
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