Hey good idea.
How about EFnet? It's pretty stable....I'm in #ixda on EFnet right now...this is any unclaimed channel, I'm the only one in here. Of course, since I don't have a bot, and I turn off or close my machine every night, I can't stay connected to the channel permanently to keep the claim.
But with enough people...

I am personally too lazy to download an IRC client like Trillian(pc) or Colloquy(mac), and instead use a plug-in for Firefox called Chatzilla. Or people can use the web interface that is right on the http:// www.efnet.org/ home page.

I personally connect to servers like kagmir.ca, prison.net, or magic.ca
But here is the predominent EFnet server list: http://www.efnet.org/? module=servers


On May 9, 2008, at 1:42 PM, Matthew Nish-Lapidus wrote:

I would love an IRC channel... It might sound counter intuitive, but I
actually have an easier time using IRC at work than responding to long
email threads :)

On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 2:48 PM, paige saez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Is there a channel for IxDa'ers? If not, could we make one? I would love to
be able to ask questions and chat in an informal way if possible.
This could be local....I am in PDX so I am shoutin' out to PDX IXDA peeps :)

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