On 5/9/08, paige saez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there a channel for IxDa'ers? If not, could we make one? I would love
> to
> be able to ask questions and chat in an informal way if possible.
> This could be local....I am in PDX so I am shoutin' out to PDX IXDA peeps
> :)
> Thoughts?

I always thought that IRC for IxDs was Twitter. : )

Seriously... in the late 90s, I wasted SO much of my life on IRC. And as a
recent convert to Twitter, I'm getting that good old "ambient intimacy"
feeling back. But without all the random "a/s/l?" private messages.

Maybe what needs to happen is that somewhere on the IxDA site we need a
place to list our Twitter IDs so we can all follow each other. I follow a
bunch of people I know from this list (thank you Gmail + Find from other
networks), but would love to follow more. I have asked questions of my
followers and gotten useful responses... and I have given useful responses
to questions asked by those I follow.

This does not preclude an IxDA IRC channel, but it might be a good addition.

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