On May 13, 2008, at 4:27 AM, David Malouf wrote:

I too think that Twitter is the new chat mechanism.

As an old chat guy, but relatively recent Twitter user, I must respectfully disagree. For me, at least, Twitter is almost exclusively casual "watercooler" conversation. Granted, people do raise questions and get answers, but I don't think the medium lends itself to rapid, back-and-forth conversations, if only because Twitter limits the frequency at which you can refresh your messages (at least when using Twitterific, that's the case). There's also a better sense of presence on an IRC channel, so I can open the channel and see who's "there" and know if it's worth my time to ask a question, whereas I have no idea who might actually be looking at a Twitter feed at any moment.

I think a Twitter "channel" for IXDA would be appropriate for quick postings of interesting URLs, notices of upcoming events, and so on, but I'd much rather use IRC for interactive discussions.

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