On 5/20/08, pauric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To replicate the website's functionality in the tv would require either a
> huge effort developing proprietary hardware & UI.  Or a web enabled tv and
> they dont work very well.

Granted, Netflix has always been known for its focus on user experience, but
many organizations are just as notable for their *lack* of focus in that
area. A remote for the device is a given, and it's easy to conceive of a
boardroom full of bean counters saying that people should use the included
remote to get their content. No "huge effort" required. It's nice to see
that did not happen in this case, and I think it deserves positive
recognition as a result.

I've not used either this device or an Apple TV, but I'd love to hear
comparisons... the Netflix approach closely models the existing process
customers are used to... Select content, put it on your queue, watch it.
Apple TV's movie rental interface is similar to their existing process:
Select content, purchase it, view it.

One thing I'm interested in is whether people find it easier to browse
through a shorter list of relevant content (Netflix queue) or a larger list
of complete content. Using a remote. Now, intuition tells me it's the first,
but whether research will bear it out I don't know, but this is part of what
leads me to the "right tool for the job" view.

Hierarchies are best browsed when you can view as much of the current level
as possible, and this is much easier to achieve on a computer screen than on
a TV screen controlled by a remote. And then there's searching. Intuition
leads me to believe that few users will use the Apple remote to search
through iTunes content. But using the keyboard on your
computer facilitates this.

> But of course I'm wrong more than a lot of the time... -pauric

I think that should be in every UXD job description. We're supposed to have
lots of ideas, many of which will be wrong... but we *test* them to see
which are right. : )

- F.
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