Just thought I'd say that I got one of these magic Netflix devices in the
mail today. If anyone has specific questions or wants some pictures/video of
the interface let me know.

It works great. The quality is good. If it's not DVD quality, it's pretty
much impossible to tell. I hooked mine up with component cables (I have an
HDTV, but it doesn't have HDMI.)

Very simple interface. The setup was super easy. Clicked ok a couple times,
entered a code into netflix.com on my computer, let it update and restart
and was ready to go. Playback is very smooth (I think I have about 7mbps
down on my Cox connection.)

Once you get in you can edit a small number of settings or browse through
your movies. The browse is similar to the iTunes cover flow. When you select
a moive you have the options to view, in a series case select episode, rate,
and remove from queue.

Like someone said it's a supplement not a replacement. I'll still keep my 2
at a time Netflix plan to watch the movies that I can't watch instantly, but
with 350+ movies in my queue, 51 were viewable by the device. For $100 it's
a great deal.

Anyways, thought I'd let you guys know since it's all been
speculation/debate so far. Let me know if you have any specific questions or

Zach Young
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