From the perspective of someone who has 3/4 of a comp sci BACHelor's degree...the only effect I have seen the lack of degree have is on my starting salary. I make up for it in effort, and usually make up the difference within a year, but it's getting a little tiring (that's why I'm finishing my degree, albeit slowly).

Having hired Masters degreed folks, and worked with many of them, I would say their degrees lent more credibility out the gate with clients, but it was their connections that improved their position and salary the most (as is the case with many people I've worked with).

I'd be interested in pursuing a Master's degree, but would prefer to get another Bachelor's in biology first =]

Bryan Minihan

On Jun 19, 2008, at 5:57 PM, Adam Connor wrote:

The recent thread on the SVA program and subsequent writing about online programs has got me wondering - how important is a Masters Degree in a design related discipline to the success of one's career? As someone who is already working in the IxD field and at the same time very geographically limited in terms of educational institutions I have access to for furthering my education, is having a Masters Degree going to limit my job prospects or success? What do you guys think? Those of you with Masters (or higher degrees), how has having one helped you. Those that don't, do you feel not having one has held you back or hurt you in any way? Do you plan on pursuing a higher degree? If so, why?

adam connor

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