On Jul 28, 2008, at 2:33 AM, Kontra wrote:

http://www.cuil.com/ launches today.

And will fail soon.

This is the kind of feedback that kills a lot of the innovation in our industry as a process or means to approach design. And designers in this industry wonder why executives or product managers can't see beyond the surface level when critiquing what we show them when our own basically behave in the same "if it's not 1,000% up to my expectations then it's worthless" manner.

Is it perfect? No. They just launched.

Do they have a lot of work to do? Of course.

Are there interface issues? Surely. Plenty of them actually.

Will they succeed as a business? Maybe, who knows.

Do any of you remember using Google back in the day for the first time? I remember explicitly clicking the I'm Feeling Lucky button and thinking I got back the most idiotic search result for what I typed in. In fact, the I'm Feeling Lucky button was the "cool thing" they were pushing back then that was supposed to Change Everything(tm). Does anyone use that feature even though it's still on the main page? Not that I know.

Honestly... Kontra (whoever you are) -- and a lot of others doing largely negative gut check responses on this new search engine -- if this is your approach to providing feedback as a designer to potentially other designers looking at this new service to see what it has to offer, then the only failure is on the part of us as a design community. I'm as guilty as anyone in this respect at times, but this thread really shows why we have such a hard time pressing for new ideas. When presented with one, it looks like a big pile on from the very people who should know better.

Will the product succeed or fail? I'm not sure I care so much as I like a lot of thinking going on in the product and find it interesting to take apart to see what works and what doesn't.

Andrei Herasimchuk

Principal, Involution Studios
innovating the digital world

c. +1 408 306 6422
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