I agree with Will when he says that "yFILES is not great", but one
impression that I have of all the "off-the-shelf" data
visualization packages (yFILES, IBM's Many Eyes, etc...) is that --
without the ability to tweak with the code to suit specific
visualization needs -- it's difficult to get the results you want.

That said, I've been hearing a lot of good stuff about
"Processing" (http://processing.org/)... which is not a product,
but a programming language.

I've also heard a few people talking about Google's Data Viz API...
has anybody tried that one?

{ Itamar Medeiros } Information Designer
 designing clear, understandable communication by
 caring to structure, context, and presentation
 of data and information

 mobile   :::  86 13671503252
 website  ::: http://designative.info/
 aim      ::: itamarlmedeiros
 skype    ::: designative

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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