user experience is primarily visually driven...then visual >skills are important to think through and design the >interaction

How do "visual skills" help you think through and design interaction? When is an interactive system not action driven? Remember, we're talking about interaction design...(emphasis on the "-action"). How can action not always be implied?

I think this is a real issue in much interaction design and certainly in a great deal of web design. The web's roots and (initial) underlying paradigm of pages has narrowed a lot of thinking and design. Many graphic designers moved over from print or static design to the web and the screen and web pages felt very static for a long time. Then Flash happened and we all know what went on there.

Now we're just coming out of that and thinking a bit differently again, but I think the ripples of 'page design' are still prevalent. All the multitouch stuff is the first really new set of interactions I've seen for a long time - the other sensor and camera-based stuff has been around for decades. Multitouch presents a whole new and interesting set of interactions (and I'm looking forward to Dan's book on it!)



Andy Polaine

Research | Writing | Strategy
Interaction Concept Design
Education Futures

Twitter: apolaine
Skype: apolaine

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