This sounds like an amazing program. My only concern is, how well will
KCU do in regards to keeping the curriculum relevant with an industry
that is changing on a daily basis? That is the main reason I dropped
out of college after I receiving my AS, the curriculum just was not
relevant anymore, it was all out dated. I discussed this with one of
my teachers and he told me "Jeremy, don't let college get in the
way of your education" and he was right.

I have often thought of going back but there just wasn't a degree I
was interested in because, first; I was afraid that the same thing
would happen again as far as the curriculum being out dated and
second; no schools really offered a degree like this.

I am willing to give it a shot though. Does anyone else share this
same fear?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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