Andy, I got through the mud and to the point of your piece, no

In the end, it is OK to disagree and try different methods and learn
from those. Fail big, fail often, but you have to try to fail and who
knows someone's failure is another person's success.

Some of this debate is on the level of "religious belief". Either
you believe steadfastly in foundation and studio, or you are a
reformist, or don't even care. There has to be room for all modes,
and to be honest, to have those other programs out there to react to
better helps more orthodox programs differentiate themselves against

But like all religions there are reasons for these beliefs and so the
discussion is not with each other but rather it is with those
listening to the conversation who will be making decisions about
their lives and their education.

I'd like to clarify my religious stance here though:
1. There is no substitute for in-person, small group, project-based,
studio design education.
a) 1 it mirrors the ideal working environment outside of the
education system (one must learn the ideal b4 they can move away from
it. you need to know what you are moving from)
b) real-time, in-person critique is a real-world requirement. Design
over distance will always be a compromise. Critique is not criticism.
2. Scale is a double-edged sword. Yes, it helps w/ $, but how does it
serve the greater good of design and more specifically interaction

All that being said, we have seen 1st and 2nd and even 3rd tier
education systems in business, law, accounting, computer arts, etc.
If we didn't have Phoenix University we might not appreciate Harvard
as much as we do. (Ok, we would but you get my point.)

Me? I'd rather just aim for Harvard, Cambridge, Sorboune or more
correctly towards RISD, Pratt, RCA, IIT/ID, CCA, Art Center/Pasadena,
Cincinnati then try to create something that will sell for its own
-- dave

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