I actually like that idea.. rather than an aggregator, which doesn't
help you filter, we could have a "Design is Kinky" or K10K type site
for UX/IxD.  A curated aggregator as it were... or is there already a
site like this that i'm forgetting?

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 6:36 PM, J. Ambrose Little
<ambr...@aspalliance.com> wrote:
> I think it can't hurt to provide another way to discover UX resources/blogs,
> so I added mine to the spreadsheet.
> ...
> In a similar vein, I registered and setup goodexperiencedesign.com not too
> long ago.  Right now it's just one of my blogs for talking about good (or
> bad) experiences and, as much as I am able to provide such insight, what can
> contribute to or improve them from an intentional/design perspective.  Not a
> novel idea, of course, but I wanted a channel to express that sort of thing.
> The reason I mention it is that I think it would be better as a group
> effort, so if you've been meaning to set up a blog for talking about such
> things but haven't gotten around to it and would be interested in an open
> group blog format, I'd be very glad to repurpose it for multiple authors.
>  It'd certainly be a better resource with more brains involved.. if anyone
> out there still doesn't have a blog for this.  ;-)
> Not quite the same as an aggregate feed, but it's open for anyone who wants
> to join in.  Just ping me off list if you're interested.
> -ambrose

Matt Nish-Lapidus
personal: mat...@gmail.com
twitter: emenel
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