On Tue, 17 Feb 2009 15:16:03, Eirik Midttun <emidt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'll just introduce my own background so you know where I stand: I
> have a Master's Degree in Networks and Telecommunications which
> mixes CS and EE. I started my career in embedded development, and I
> now do GUI design and Project Management. I do self-studies on
> Interaction Design and try to implement the practices in my project.
> I have also had thoughts about taking it a bit further, meaning going
> back to uni. The most interesting for my would be a 2-year Master, or
> maybe PhD work. However, they are mostly offered by ID departments
> and admission is pretty much designed for ID grads. If you're an
> engineer you typically don't have a portefolio.
> The CS programmes isn't much better, but entry seems easier. For me
> it is less interesting since most of it will be repetition of things
> I know, or can figure out on my own.
> Point is, I don't think this internal recruiting in universities is
> doing any help to the development of the IxD discipline. Shouldn't
> these traditional disciplines join forces to shape the younger IxD?
> Isn't cross-breeding a better strategy?
> Or am I missing out on something?
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