It's a sign that experts would choose drupal over wordpress.

Wordpress is far superior on to many fronts to even waste time discussing.

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 20, 2009, at 12:48 PM, James Wanless <> wrote:

I hear what you're saying and, no doubt, Drupal does some things very
well.  Where I work, we've built a few standalone projects with it.
However, it also has some huge drawbacks when compared with something
like Wordpress for medium sized, discussion-based sites (blogs on
steroids, or even discussion forums).

Drupal is a mess to theme and very difficult to hand off to an end
client who just wants to easily update content.  Theming it, with
it's convoluted combination of views and mods is, frankly, a pain of
monumental proportions.  The mod update process, compared to that of
plugin updates on Wordpress, pales in comparison, from an ease-of-use

Wordpress is infinitely easier to configure and to manage content,
due to a much more elegant backend.  It has a very active community
and follows the same open source approach to extending the platform,
as does Drupal.  Wordpress has addressed many of the things that used
to make it a second choice for larger sites with a lot of users,
though it's still probably weak compared to Drupal in the user
management arena.

I'm not trying to open a debate here, since IxDA has already chosen
to use Drupal, but it's certainly not the only game in town for
seeing an open source approach in a robust community.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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