The first question is, "What do you want to do after you graduate?". If you have a good idea as to the answer, compare what people from these programs end up doing.

I have a lot of respect for the students in the IxD program at CMU and have learned a *lot* taking classes with them. However, I didn't apply to the IxD program because I'm much more interested in 3D/researchy things than 2D/applications and getting a job as an IxD type at A4/g5/M$.

CMU is also big on interdisciplinary work, so while you're doing the IxD program, you have the opportunity to take classes in other disciplines. Your options range from things like "Introductory Robotics" taught by a leader in the field to one-off classes like "Interactive Technology and Live Performance" (<>) taught by Golan Levin and Matt Gray.

Someone from Bezerkeley should chime in as to why their program roxxors.


J. Eric "jet" Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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