Sounds like you got it to me.
Best Regards,

I'll just label my statements as art and leave it open to interpretation and
the intent to the user.

>>Good ideas simply prevail, bad ideas sink.
I totally disagree with this; but, maybe your black is my white and my white
your black.

On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 5:30 AM, Pascal Finette <> wrote:

> Hi Angel,
> Sure, let me explain:
> "Not letting someone see what the choices are and claiming ability
> to make a solid & robust judgement call is where skewing begins."
> I don't know what you reference here - I mentioned that we are not
> sure which sort of rating system to use (e.g. up/down ratings a la
> DIGG, 1-5 start ratings, "I like it" single star ratings, etc).
> This is not the same as skewing or intransparency. It simply is a
> question, which of these systems yields the most robust results.
> "I think open source collaboration makes this statement a bad one in
> itself. "
> Sorry - but I don't get this statement. Open Source doesn't mean
> that good and bad ideas co-exist on the same level -- if that would
> be the case we wouldn't have great Open Source products like Linux,
> Apache or Firefox. Good ideas simply prevail, bad ideas sink. And
> this can be and is constantly  done in an open, collaborative way.
> Warm regards from London,
> -Pascal
> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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