>From a new user perspective:
AIR = Application download and install
Silverlight = Plugin download and install
AJAX = works in a browser.

But from the content owners perspective:
AIR = fairly stable, stand alone. Cross-platform
Silverlight = not so stable, bloated IE framework
AJAX = we already have a website.

So AIR is winning for it's cross-platform, not a website, but losing
a little as a application install.

However, if I think back I know that a ground-breaking app.  A must
have thing could change all that.  In 1999 content was king, and it
still is.  Platforms, frameworks, libraries are still just tools for
the artist.  They are only worth the creations made of them.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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