Jared mentioned that a "sasquatch" footer might be an indication
that your site lacks sensible / complete navigation elements. That
could definitely be true.

But, I think that precludes the case where the footer area serves as
an instant browsing tool. It's true that many users are on the site
for a specific purpose, or even more than one specific purpose, in
which case the global or local navigation tools should strive to be
efficient and intuitive.

What about users who are browsing or "virtually loitering"? They
can scan the footer for keywords, etc, for a new object of interest,
without having any idea what they're really looking for, and without
needing to hover over menus or drill down through multiple levels of
navigation, etc, etc.

Don't get me wrong - I find them cluttersome (probably not a word, I
know), but I'm a snatch-and-grab web user, not typically a loiterer

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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