On Jun 17, 2009, at 11:24 PM, David Malouf wrote:

i go to like 5 movies a year (parental reality), so that comparison
is meaningless.

Empathy? Metaphorical? Are you claiming you are unable to make a simple comparison? Really?

I made a suggestion based on MY! take looking at the video. You never
know if software is a fit until you get to use it. Paying for trial is
not the norm in the software world. If i can try Photoshop for 30 days
w/o paying for it and I can try most other apps in the software w/o
paying for it, why should this be different? b/c the price point is
arguably low? maybe.

It would be wonderful to actually discuss the product's design rather than the business model. This is the last I'll bother discussing the business model instead of the design of the product.

Shaun is a sole designer+dev, and there could be a myriad of reasons why he doesn't offer a demo. Could be he ran out of time on his own deadline, could be he doesn't know a great way to make it expire properly, could be he felt the video was plenty and he'd rather focus on refinement and features than coding a demo, could be that the time to make a demo version he felt wasn't worth it compared to how *very targeted and specific* his target audience is. I honestly don't know. Go ask him yourself. He has a contact form on all of his web properties and is a very approachable guy often willing to explain his reasons for whatever he does.

I suggested, that having a trial might HELP uptake by people. HELP!
Is it required, absolutely not, but don't come at me with this sort
of reply that makes it sound like my request is unreasonable. that's
just defensive bullshit, Andrei.

Can we take the mellow drama somewhere else please? I made no claim that your request was unreasonable, just that I thought the price of $30 *was* reasonable given the target audience. Reread my message, and then note the "imho" at the end which I'm sure you'll remember means "in my humble opinion." I have no idea why you think I that's being defensive for anything.

*I* won't buy w/o a trial b/c my current universe of GReader for
feeds and Twitter/Facebook for suggestions seems to be working for me
(actually I get great suggestions from "friends" on GReader too!. If
this is better, I don't know. But I am not otherwise compelled to lay
down $30 bucks right now. That's Transformers, Up & GI Joe. (I live
in Savannah & movies are sooo much cheaper here.)

Great. Don't buy it. Doesn't bother me in the least bit.

But for what you do now, this product is perfectly suited for teaching your students about a myriad of design issues. If you don't want to trust me on that point, then don't. But knowing how much *you* believe story and metaphor play such a huge role in the interaction portion of digital design, you would be doing yourself and your students a serious disservice by not trying out this product because it doesn't have a demo you can play with, even if in the end you don't wind up using the product for personal use. The amount Shaun uses metaphor and storytelling and how he integrates so fully those concepts into a pragmatic execution for the design of the product is top notch. There's a lot to be learned.

Seriously David... it's $30. Why are you making such a big fuss and acting so pissy with me? It's really unseemly. IMHO.

Andrei Herasimchuk

Chief Design Officer, Involution Studios
innovating the digital world

e. and...@involutionstudios.com
c. +1 408 306 6422

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