I think a good question to ask is "what is a designer responsible for?"

Designers are usually *not* responsible for coming up or even modifying a business model.

But they had better *understand* the business model, because it absolutely affects design.

As a consultant, I tend to toe the line...and I help out with some parts of business models as they relate to design.

But when I'm designing, actually creating interfaces, it's not my job to tell the business folks what to do...business models are their specialty (doesn't mean they're great at it). My job is to translate the business model they've created into screens that support it.

So, in the example of Amazon...if lowest price and fastest delivery are part of the business model, a designer might look for ways to reinforce those ideas/messages in the interface and shopping workflow.

And, sure, a designer might have an insight into how to improve the reliability of the shipping process or some other business concern, but that's not the job they're being paid to do.



On Jun 18, 2009, at 11:53 AM, Peter Merholz wrote:

On Jun 18, 2009, at 1:19 PM, Vishal Iyer wrote:

Business model is most definitely *not* a part of design

Wow. This statement made me choke on my ale (I'm in London).

Business model is definitely part of the customer experience, as Jeff Bezos so admirably pointed out:
""Internally, customer service is a component of customer experience," he says. "Customer experience includes having the lowest price, having the fastest delivery, having it reliable enough so that you don't need to contact [anyone]. Then you save customer service for those truly unusual situations. You know, I got my book and it's missing pages 47 through 58," he says, breaking into a booming laugh."

Business model is very much the success of iPod -- the chain of services that allow you to easily acquire music and get it on your player.

Business model is the thing thwarting Tivo's success, no matter how brilliant it's user interface design.

We as designers have a lot to contribute toward thinking through business model implications.


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