While I am willing to contribute without hesitation, I would like to offer
some thoughts:

I am an interaction designer for desktop/web applications, but I have
created Drupal sites in versions 5 and 6 (custom themes, CCK, overriding
nodes, Views 2, configuration, etc).  I am wondering if there are more
people in this list that have experience in Drupal and would be willing to
help before considering getting contractors to do it for us?

If we need custom modules then I can try posting about it in the Drupal
community.  We may be able to get a volunteer or else we can exchange
design-for-programming for Drupal itself (they are looking for interaction
designers to help with usability issues for Drupal 7).  We would benefit
more by partnering with another community that based its approach on people
volunteering their time for the greater good.

Again, I'm fine with the monetary contribution, just thinking aloud on other
alternatives to get our Drupal work done.



On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 10:08 AM, IxDA Board of Directors <bo...@ixda.org>wrote:

> For the price of a cup of coffee you can help IxDA deliver our
> next-generation platform to serve the needs of the interaction design
> community. We can't do it without your help.
> http://bit.ly/17AJoE
> Since its inception as a mailing list in 2003, IxDA now supports over
> 10,000
> discussion list <http://www.ixda.org/discuss.php> subscribers, 80 IxDA
> Local
> Groups <http://www.ixda.org/local.php> from around the world, an annual
> conference (with a regional conference on the way in South America),
> several
> budding community initiatives and over 12,000 people affiliated via
> LinkedIn<http://www.linkedin.com/groupRegistration?gid=3754>.
> Despite our ambitions, our current technology infrastructure is no longer
> able to support our needs, nor expand to meet our future ones.
> You have the opportunity to expand IxDA's capability to provide the
> next-generation website that will take us beyond the mailing list of today.
> We aim to develop a solid, extensible platform for our community of
> practice
> to meet and enrich one another and grow the discipline. IxDA has chosen
> Drupal as the technology framework for our new infrastructure. The Drupal
> framework will allow the IxDA community to grow and thrive with improved
> digital communications capabilities, easy sharing and searching of all
> types
> of content, local group sites, and member profiles. However, we can't build
> the new website ourselves. This is where your financial support is crucial.
> I am IxDA. You are, too. Without the generous contributions, participation
> and support of the interaction design community, IxDA wouldn't be where it
> is today. IxDA is a member-supported organization, not a
> membership-supported organization, so we collect no dues. You are a member
> if you say you are. It's that simple. Beyond the generous contribution of
> volunteer time, financially this means we rely heavily on
> revenue-generating
> events like our annual conference and on fundraising efforts such as this,
> which we haven't held since 2007.
> Our goal is to collect $30,000 over the next four days, until June 26th.
> Ambitious, I know, but not impossible. Consider this: If 10,000 subscribers
> contributed $3, a fancy cup of coffee in some parts, we'd be done. Or 1,000
> contributed $30, often less than a good book these days. If you gain
> anything from IxDA, won't you please give a little back? No amount is too
> big or small. As a thank you to all that contribute, we will hold a drawing
> each day and select one name to receive a complimentary registration to
> interaction'10, being held in Savannah, GA next February! (Note:  Each day
> starts at 12:01 am GMT. No IxDA Board Members are eligible for the drawing.
> All registrations are transferable but not eligible for cash exchange.)
> Please contribute now!
> http://bit.ly/17AJoE
> Tell the community that you're supporting IxDA!
> Retweet your support:
> http://bit.ly/V7kdV
> We would love to hear why you're a part of IxDA. Create your own IxDA
> Support widget for your blog or site while you're at it:
> http://bit.ly/12uHaE
> How the money will be spent:
> We want to be able to select a highly qualified development partner who can
> help sustain our organizational growth over the long term. The funds
> gathered will be used to build, deploy and maintain the new website. Any
> funds not used in the current round of development will be used for ongoing
> website support and development. You can expect updates throughout the
> build
> process for how things are progressing. Our goal is to have the first phase
> of work done by this Fall.
> On behalf of the IxDA Board of Directors and all who care about this
> community, I thank you!
> Janna DeVylder,  President, IxDA
> ________________________________________________________________
> Welcome to the Interaction Design Association (IxDA)!
> To post to this list ....... disc...@ixda.org
> Unsubscribe ................ http://www.ixda.org/unsubscribe
> List Guidelines ............ http://www.ixda.org/guidelines
> List Help .................. http://www.ixda.org/help
Welcome to the Interaction Design Association (IxDA)!
To post to this list ....... disc...@ixda.org
Unsubscribe ................ http://www.ixda.org/unsubscribe
List Guidelines ............ http://www.ixda.org/guidelines
List Help .................. http://www.ixda.org/help

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