I always thought that software design was more the programming side of
things: from architecture down to the algorithm level; not what we do.
It should (ideally, if humans are to be using it) include work that we
do, but there is a load more that is nothing to do with us, unless
we're specifically designing for programmers that is. For example, a
database API won't usually be used by end-users: programmers will
instead put layers of abstraction over it until it ends up as a nice
and usable human-orientated interface (eg, being able to search
through Flickr for photos of a particular subject). We may design the
interface for Flickr, but the software designer working on the
database API has no need to consider what the end users of Flickr
want or need.

(later): Just checked and it is more of a programming field. I would
like to suggest that because it (probably) already has a
well-established definition that we leave it alone.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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