If I have limited time, or if I don't have budget or for political reasons we 
can't actually talk to people, I use community/social media sites like 
Facebook, Myspace and Ning to find communities of people that might be 
relevant.  Facebook has a lot of very active special interest groups that are 
often open to anyone to read and participate.  In the past I have gotten 
permission form my client to post questions on community groups and web forums 
to ask people specific questions.  

I've also gotten clients to do more internal stakeholder type interviews with 
different groups of people who aren't directly involved in the project.  These 
can be done over the phone and don't take much time.  You do get a more 
internal point of view, but often it's better than nothing.  

It really depends on what type of project/site you are working on and who your 
target audience is.


----- Original Message ----
From: Todd Zaki Warfel <li...@toddwarfel.com>
To: IXDA list <disc...@ixda.org>; IAI Members <iai-memb...@iainstitute.org>
Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2009 8:23:28 AM
Subject: [IxDA Discuss] Research methods when you only have 2-3 hours or 2-3 

So, yesterday I asked what your favorite methods for rapid research were. 
Nobody responded. Does that mean that no one here is using research to inform 
your designs? Are you guys all just winging it?

Do you just skip the research phase if your client tells you "we don't have 
time."? I realize this group is geared more towards design or organizing 
information, but how do you inform your decisions? Have we gotten so complacent 
that we just go with our gut or based on our past knowledge?

Come on people. If you only have a few hours or a few days to produce some 
research, what method(s) do you use?


Todd Zaki Warfel
Principal Design Researcher
Messagefirst | Designing Information. Beautifully.
Contact Info
Voice:    (215) 825-7423
Email:    t...@messagefirst.com
AIM:    twar...@mac.com
Blog:    http://toddwarfel.com
Twitter:    zakiwarfel
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In practice, they are not.

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