Understanding what real people will do when presented with your design
requires data. If you don't have budget for research, I suggest
taking a weekend to go to a place where people do whatever activity
you are designing for, observe them for a few hours, and jot down
attributes and behaviors that you feel are germane to the overall
context and experience.  How do charcteristics like age, affluence,
preparedness, experience in the topic, flexibility, hurry, etc.
impact what they do? 

The list you create from this activity is a starter set of attributes
and behaviors that you can bring into your exercise that might carry
more weight than making it all up. It doesn't cost you anything
other than a weekend. 

Our approach to persona creation involves the step I described above,
but a few more as well. It's described in some high level bullet
points in this article:

If you want a ready-made persona to participate in your design
activities, feel free to use this one:

Paul Bryan
Usography   (http://www.usography.com)
Blog: Virtual Floorspace   (http://www.virtualfloorspace.com)
Linked In:   http://www.linkedin.com/in/uxexperts

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