On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 5:00 PM, erpdesigner <erpdesig...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Just to clarify, this is more of a concept piece, not an actual product. We
> are trying to roadmap features and integration points for the next 18
> months.
Ah, that was not totally clear when I responded to your original post. This
makes me feel a lot better. : )

Still though, I'm unconvinced of the value of brainstorming personas even
early on in the process. If you're working with a group of other UX
designers, you should all be empathic enough to be able to put yourselves in
the shoes of people who might need to use the system you'd be working on.
I'm sure you have at least some idea who they could be... bankers? students?
tv fans? etc.

In the situation you described, the only thing I'd bother brainstorming at
the beginning is the nouns and the verbs... what sort of stuff will people
be working with? what sort of things will they need to do with it. Use that
empathy to winnow out the obviously useless stuff & then jump into paper
prototyping. Walking thru super lo-fi prototypes like that with other UX
designers pretending to be the audience will quickly show you whether you've
missed something essential & whether what you do have is useful.

That's been my experience anyway.


Fred Beecher
Sr. User Experience Consultant
Evantage Consulting
O: 612.230.3838 // M: 612.810.6745
IM: fbeec...@gmail.com (google/msn) // fredevc (aim/yahoo)
T: http://twitter.com/fred_beecher
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